Undergraduate classes
MST2130 고체화학 Solid-state chemistry for materials scientists & engineers [SPRING]
MST3510 전산재료학 Computer modeling in materials science & engineering [SPRING]
MST2120 재료수학(2) Numerical mathematics in materials science & engineering [FALL]
MST4850 재료의전자구조이론 Electronic structure theory for materials: Back to the basics [SPRING]
MST4860 원소의화학적이해 Systematic chemistry of the periodic table [FALL]
Graduate classes
MSE8210 소재계면공학 Advanced topics in theoretical surface and interface science [SPRING]
MSE8430 전산재료과학개론 Computation and simulation in materials science [FALL]
MSE8320 재료양자역학특론 Applied conceptual quantum mechanics for materials scientists and engineers [SPRING]
MSE8190 재료물리 Materials physics [FALL]