
손 알로이시우스 alias dictus 손시우

Professor of Materials Theory & Design
Department of Materials Science & Engineering
College of Engineering, Yonsei University

Education and career

I hold a full professorship (with tenure) at the Department of Materials Science & Engineering 신소재공학과 in Yonsei University 연세대학교, Seoul, Republic of Korea. Concurrently, I have also been awarded the title of Visiting Research Fellow (Affiliate) to engage in research activities at the School of Physics in the University of Sydney, Australia. Prior to joining Yonsei, I was an Alexander von Humboldt fellow at the former Theory Department (now the NOMAD Laboratory) of the Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Germany. Notably, I have been elected as a Fellow of both the Institute of Physics (FInstP, UK) and the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC, UK), and is registered as a Chartered Scientist (CSci, UK).

My research focuses on the development and application of materials theory for modern-day technologies. My primary interest lies in the fundamental understanding of the surface-mediated chemistry and physics of materials, probed via novel first-principles computational methods (coupled with modern machine-learning methods). By applying state-of-the-art density-functional theory (DFT) calculations and the use of statistical and thermodynamic models, simulations of poly-atomic systems are used to understand and predict the structure and properties of solids and their surfaces which includes studying the interactions and reactions of molecules adsorbed on surfaces, and the energetics of defects on surfaces (as well as interfaces) and in the bulk.

Additionally, one of my other interests involves the development of new teaching methods designed to engage students in the disciplines of materials chemistry and physics, by helping individuals learn to think, analyze data, and communicate scientifically. At the undergraduate level, I actively mentor undergraduate students, engaging them in fundamental research at an early stage. Through such mentorship and actual hands-on experience, I hope to arm and equip students with the fundamental knowledge and skills they need to become fully functional materials scientists and engineers.

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Academic activities and achievements

Professional memberships and associations